Beta 2.0.b2.2
- Maturity:
- Beta
- Released on:
- Thursday, 06 March 2014 23:12
- Viewed:
- 60683 times
Bug fixing release to allow proper work on Mac and Linux environments, and some hosts such as Ableton Live.
Solved issues
- Works in Ableton Live
- Downgrade to Java 5, caused by a poor support of Java 6 on Mac OS X systems and a Zip packaging instead of the Rar packaging, unsupported on Mac OS X systems.
- Reviewed Mac VST packaging
- Minor configuration correction to allow zweeger standalone to work correctly on Linux.
- Conflicts when a module is triggered several times at same instant by different sources and one of its parameters gains a value "FromTrigger"
- Better handling of triggering order when a module as parameters automated by triggerable items that should be triggered also before the module.
- Error when installation path contains special characters (sucha as spaces)
- When a parameter gains a value "From Trigger" and that this trigger is a delay, the parameter doesn't receive any value.
- MidiThru mode is now selectable via a drop-down in the status bar
- It is now possible to create a new ensemble based on an existing one.
Known issues
- An incoming message is not directly chained to output. It will wait until next processing step.
- Still some issues in triggering order
- Not properly supported on Cubase